About Me.....

I am mooshygirl, or rather Michelle, the creator of the dolls on my site. Why "Mooshygirl" ? You may ask. That was the nick name my daddy gave me as a little girl. I takes on more signifigance now that my daddy passed away June 23/04 after doing battle with the ever evil Cancer. A name I was once embarassed by I now wear as a badge of honour.

Well, for as long as i could remember, Barbie has been in my life. It started with my sister's collection actually. Sis: "did you play with my barbies while I was at school?" as she holds up a doll newly coiffed in a braided chignon. Me:"....mm..noooo" my eyes darting around trying not to make contact as I lie... So, after enough fights, Mummy decided I need me own dollies. *Yay!*

As early as 4/5yrs old, I'd create elaborate costumes for my barbies out of Kleenex and spittle. Two mediums I have since abandoned (insert collective *phew*). Hey, in those days kleenex came in exciting colors of pink, blue, yellow and minty green. This developped into me making complete co-ordinated wardrobes for my niece's Barbies( i was 14 and thought I was too old to make outfits for my own dolls which I kept hidden in my closet under my Tiger Beat magazines) My parents felt for sure that I would become a famous fashion designer.*Double*Yay!*

Well, after spending my youth nurturing my artistic side and studying Fashion & Art history on my own from the age of 10 on, only to be rejected from fashion school twice, my path redirected. I had a stint as a secretary to the buyers assistant in ladies wear for a chain of department stores and did some Petites modeling for them - and then became a buyers assistant and moved into the jewellery & accessories department. It was very demanding-no time for dollies. Thats as high this bird flew in the fashion world. This was my career for about 4 yrs.

Why am I back creating dolly clothes again? The wonderful man in my life, of course. He signed up for a computer degree program and brought a PC and the internet into our home, c.1996/97. I soon found out that I am not a freak and alot of big kids still play with Barbie. Intelligent people--with day jobs, like ME!!*Triple*Yay!* And my man supported my Hobby and praised my work and spoke proudly of it to friends and colleages, giving me the confidence to persue my artistic side. Thanks babe...