by michelle

Customised Fashion Dolls

Updated Dec 31 2011

NEW SITE COMING IN 2012!! (With a new url!)

Third Place FDM 2008 Winner !

The International Fashion Doll Convention(IFDC)in Las Vegas holds a Fashion Doll Makover Competition every year,so I entered "Freedom".

Visit the IFDC contest site here!

Welcome to Mooshygirl's home on the web!
I create One-of-a-Kind fashion dolls from whatever inspires me ~ Characters in Film, Music, Literature, eras in time etc.

Current Projects
*Something old *Something new...
*Something Borrowed
...and something Blue!

Sorry to be vague, but I have many projects on the go and I don't know what will get done first!

Just follow my links below and have a look at what i have done in the past...

Inspired by Films
Inspired by Music
Inspired by Television
Inspired by Literature
About Packaging
~ About the Artist ~

This site is in the midst of being redevelopped so check back often to see what's new!

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